Overview of our past events:
Working Group AUT at the PI International Meeting
02 to 05 May 2023
Dubai, VAE
Seminar “Industrie 4.0 – Kommunikationstechnik für eine mobile, selbstorganisierende Produktionsanlage”
23th march 2022
Amberg, Germany & Online
Internationaler Workshop zur Zertifizierung von Industrial Ethernet Komponenten
18th january 2022
FuE Seminar des OTH-Clusters “Industrial Secure Systems”
13th december 2021
Amberg, Germany & Online
Seminar “Industrie 4.0 – Effiziente Vernetzung dezentraler Intelligenz”
07th october 2021
Amberg, Germany & Online

Working Group AUT at the PI International Meeting
Dubai, VAEAt the invitation of “Profinet International” Lecture and workshop
Represented on site: Johannes Hilburger, Karthik Maddikunta , Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Schmidt
- Annual meeting of experts in industrial communication technology from all over the world (Europe, USA, South America, China, Japan, Korea, South Africa)
- This year in Dubai May 2-5, 2023, last year in Berlin, next year in the USA
- Lectures and workshops on new Industrial Ethernet technologies and current developments, working group AUT is regularly represented
- Working group AUT develops the software that is used worldwide to certify and test devices.
- This software was presented in the lecture
- The workshop showed how this software can be used for different purposes
- Hands-on, it was shown how this software can be used for complex investigations in the Ethernet environment.

Seminar "Industrie 4.0 - Kommunikationstechnik für eine mobile, selbstorganisierende Produktionsanlage"
Amberg, Germany & OnlineK. Lutter talks about the communication technology for a mobile, self-organizing production plant

Seminar "Industrie 4.0 - Effiziente Vernetzung dezentraler Intelligenz"
Amberg, Germany & OnlineThe ISAC sub-project of the AUT working group is investigating how industrial-grade “low-cost” solutions can be used for this purpose. It is shown how this is made possible by connecting decentralized systems to higher-level IT structures and which technologies are used for this. An outlook on future developments is given. Results from the “ISAC@OTH-AW” research project will be presented.

FuE Seminar des OTH-Clusters "Industrial Secure Systems"
Amberg, Germany & Online
Internationaler Workshop zur Zertifizierung von Industrial Ethernet Komponenten
Amberg, Germany & OnlineB. Etzold talks about the “Certification and Development with the Automated Realtime Tester”
- Automated RT-Tester Basics
- What to expect from a Testcase
- Demo